

The 东校区 Information Technology staff provide an overview, 技术支持, and student operators for the newbb电子平台 Learning Network (OULN) classrooms on the 东部 campus. These classrooms are used to link our campus to the other regional campuses, 还有newbb电子, to offer a wide range of classes taught by faculty across the newbb电子平台 system using video conferencing technology.

If there are connection issues with the OULN system, or an operator is not present, please call the 东部 Help Desk at 740-699-1401 or the 雅典 OULN Help Desk at 740.597.2934.

在任何时候, the 雅典 OULN or the 东部 Help Desk may be away from their offices, either expectedly or unexpectedly. After an appropriate amount of time, if you do not receive a response from the staff member, please call one of the 东校区 contacts listed on the OULN联系人页面, or please attempt to reach the 东校区 contact again.

OULN Course Material Planning

If your course requires the distribution of handouts, 测验和/或测试, you will soon realize that distributing this paperwork to the other regional campuses, and offering makeup test or exams, are the only major differences between teaching in a traditional classroom on your campus and teaching in a distance learning environment. With proper planning and adequate time management, the gap created by the physical distance between you and your students can easily be bridged.

* *请注意* *

With regard to exams and 小测验, instructors are responsible for preparing course material for their home campus students.  对于其他校园, OULN operators will distribute, collect and return testing materials to the faculty support staff (Trent Duffy or Peter Lim - see contact information below).  OULN operators can not/will not proctor exams & 小测验. The proctoring of exams for all campuses is the responsibility of the instructor or a designee on the home campus.


All of your course documents and tests can be posted to your course site, as an alternative to having materials physically duplicated, and tests physically administered in the OULN classroom. The newbb电子平台 Office of Information Technology Service Desk 740.593.1222 is available to answer questions about BlackBoard, and the BlackBoard website offers many 自助指南.

When sending any/all materials to newbb电子平台东部分校 for duplication and/or distribution to your OULN class, please email materials including detailed instructions to the 东校区 OULN Support (email) at least 2 work days in advance.

A minimum of 48 hours notice is needed to process duplication requests. When sending your materials to newbb电子平台东部分校, please provide detailed instructions regarding your materials including:

  • OULN课程编号
  • 的那一天 & 上课时间
  • 的那一天 & time the materials are to be distributed
  • 要制作的副本数量
  • Instruction as to whether copies should be single/double sided, 彩色或黑色/白色, 钉的或打孔的
  • 为测试 & 测验,请注明:
    • Materials to be provided to the student, i.e. 蓝皮书、答题卡等.
    • Materials allowed while testing, i.e. books, calculators, notes, etc.
    • How 完整的d tests are to be returned to the instructor.
      • If you want the 完整的d exams scanned to email (please include return email address).
      • If you want the 完整的d exams sent by U.S. 邮件(请包括 完整的 回邮地址).
      • 注意:隔夜邮件,联邦快递, & Ups不再可用.

For other materials, if you can't email items, such as text books, binders, etc., mail to the below 东部 campus address for distribution to your OULN class(es):

newbb电子平台东部分校 Campus
St. Clairsville, OH 43950

Please provide class specific information with your materials.  All materials provided will be given to the OULN classroom operator for distribution to your class as per your written instructions.


When a student enrolled in an OULN class needs to make up or retake an exam, the 测试中心 可以帮助. The newbb电子平台东部分校 测试中心 is dedicated to upholding high standards of test security and academic integrity.  They are committed to providing exceptional, 可访问的, and comprehensive testing programs for newbb电子平台 and the community. All tests are administered under standardized conditions that are efficient, fair, and secure. The 测试中心 room, equipment, and persons there-in are monitored at all times.

请参阅 东部校区考试中心 for instructions on scheduling tests there.